Sustainable Agro Tourism : Natural Farming, Ecological Justice and Environmental Wellbeing

October 27, 2024 aptreks
Sustainable Agro Tourism : Natural Farming, Ecological Justice and Environmental Wellbeing

We incorporate local people in the destination regions for our sustainable tourism development initiative, through agriculture and afforestation to enhance socio-economic and environmental prosperity.

Agriculture can be one of the major economic sectors of Nepal, though the sustainable growth of agriculture to ensure food and nutrition security issue on the other hand is questionable. Whereas; the agriculture sector of Nepal is facing several challenges such as; low productivity, instability, shocks due to climate change, inadequate infrastructure and insufficient investment with appropriate technical adaptation. Altogether 49.41% cereals, 25.68% livestock, 9.71% vegetable, 8.10 forestry and 7.04% fruits and spices are major domestic productions. Agriculture of Nepal today contributes 35% GDP involving more than 70% rural population fulfilling their mainstay.

Development and the sustainability in each and every sector now is regarded as two corresponding sides of a coin, in which only a single side would have no worth.  Likewise; development without sustainability approach would be now a worthless initiative. The endorsement of sustainability is now considered the mandatory strategy in each and every development plan. And the notion of sustainable development is also regarded the knowledge based platform and our sustainable tourism goes through ecotourism and indigenous tourism cooperating local farmers offering them planty of skill and knowledge about envvvironment conservation education.

Natural Farming Systen For Caring Biodiversity

Natural farming system is an agricultural practices that comes through the minimal intervention in the natural ecological procedures focusing on sustainability, biodiversity, and the health of the soil in and around the farming fields. It has been practicing throughout the world rooted the classical framing culture which is theoretically conveyed by Japanese farmer Masanobu Fukuoka who outlined in his book and plead the statement “The One-Straw Revolution”. Natural farming can be the most effective tools to make local peole be incorporated in Sustainable tourism development initiative in the destinations.

Our agriculture project is designed to assess all existing opportunities and challenges of sustainable agriculture development initiative to enhance Sustainable Rural Development in the destinations. The Role of Agriculture in Sustainable Rural Development of Nepal is crucial. The term “Development” is more closely associated with action or intervention to influence the entire processes of socio-economic and environmental change into betterment. Development requires positive changes in both tangible and intangible aspects. Such as; norms and values, institutions, methods of production, the attitudes of people and distributing resources and the way of life normal classic to modern sophisticated.

Ecological Justice and Environmental Prosperity

Among many other principal objectives of sustainable tourism is to enhance the ecological justice for environmental wellbeing that can be obtained from the ethical and responsible practices done by tourism related business entities. That refers to the fair treatment and value based involvement of people regardless of care, ethnicity, or economical status in invironmental decision-making processes. This emphasizes the need to address the dispropersonate environmenatl burdens tolerated by the marginalized communities, who often face the greater exposure to polution, the negative impacts of climate change, and resource depletion.

Agriculture, Tourism and Sustainability Approach

Development for people in developing countries includes not only economic growth, although that is vital, but also human development based on education, health, employment opportunity surrounded by the prosperous social and natural environment. Development is therefore better education, income, health and social inclusion with intensified infrastructures, and strongly rooted social inclusion, eventually accepted all the positive change.  The World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as development which meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs entitled “Our Common Future. Therefore our sustainable tourism development initiative goes through agriculture and afforestation connecting local people with tourism industries.